Online Courses FAQs

Choosing the right course or knowing which one best suits your requirements can be difficult, here we answer the most commonly asked questions about popular topics to help.

General Safeguarding FAQs

We are passionate about developing and delivering digital safeguarding solutions. We answered the most common question we get asked for quick results.

  • What is the standard of care?

    The minimum level of care, experience and knowledge that is expected from someone responsible for the care of others. Everybody has the right to expect the following standards: Person-centred care, Dignity and respect, Consent, Safety, Safeguarding from abuse, Food and drink, Premises and equipment, Complaints, Good governance, Staffing, Fit and proper staff, Duty of candour, Display of ratings.

    Our Care Certificate training course is perfect for anyone working in a social care environment to protect those they are responsible for.

  • Is child protection and safeguarding the same?

    Safeguarding is the policies and procedures that organisations and people have in place to keep children safe and promote their wellbeing, everything from security of buildings to staff recruitment. Child protection is the term used to describe the activity that is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering or likely to suffer harm.

    Check out our what is the children act article to find out more about child protection.

  • What are the main types of abuse?

    There are many ways of dividing abuse into types, but these are some: Financial or material abuse, Physical abuse, Neglect/acts of omission, Sexual abuse, Psychological abuse, Organisational abuse, Discriminatory abuse, Self-neglect, Domestic abuse

    Check out our article to find out more about the ten types of abuse you should be aware of.

  • What are the six principles of safeguarding?

    The six principles of safeguarding are:

    • Empowerment – supporting and encouraging people to make their own decisions and informed consent. 
    • Prevention – taking action before harm occurs.
    • Proportionality – offering the least intrusive response appropriate to the risk. 
    • Protection – support and representation for those in greatest need. 
    • Partnership – communities have a part to play in reporting and preventing neglect and abuse; local solutions through services working with their communities. 
    • Accountability – transparency and accountability in safeguarding practice.

    Check out our article to find out more about the six principles of safeguarding.

  • What constitutes a breach of duty of care?

    A breach of duty of care is when a carer or other responsible person fails in the care that they should be giving. A person may be liable for negligence in a personal injury case if their breach of duty caused another person's injuries or mental ill health.

    Typical areas of concern are fire safety, health and safety, food safety, personal safety, child and adult protection (plus wider safeguarding such as safer recruitment), equality, bullying, violence, harassment, stress, or discrimination from any source.

    Check out our Safeguarding Everyone Level 2 course to find out more about your safeguarding responsibilities.

  • What constitutes harmful and restrictive practices?

    A harmful practice is one that is either causing harm now or will in the future. A restrictive practice is one that might be used on an individual demonstrating challenging behaviour; any restriction placed on them must be legally and ethically justified, be necessary to prevent further or serious harm, and be the least restrictive option possible.

    Our short guide explains in full what child abuse is and the affects of it, read more here.

  • What is early intervention?

    Doing things as early as possible to support a child’s developmental, health and support needs. Early intervention services give specialised support to children and their families in the early years (birth to school entry).

    Early intervention promotes welfare, safety, development and societal stability. It also plays a part in preventing problems developing later and goes a long way in attempting to rectify those which have already begun to manifest.

    Early intervention is incredibly important, find out why here.