Last updated: 20.12.10

Disabled students could benefit from distance learning courses

Disabled students may benefit from distance learning courses, as one expert has claimed there is not enough choice available in regards to their academic futures.

Executive director of Disability, Inclusion, Community, and Education (DICE) Martin Goodwin said many people with impairments do not have adeqaute access to academic opportunities.

"A lot of families don't like their local FE [Further Education] college, but there's a lack of local choice so they see it as the only option," he added.

Mr Goodwin claimed some disabled students do not get the chance to progress, which could suggest online learning could be one avenue worth exploring, as pupils can learn no matter where they are.

Disabled students need the chance to pursue their studies and support must continue if they go onto further education, he remarked.

A total of 17 per cent of individuals with a disability have experienced greater difficulty in learning, compared with nine-per cent of able-bodied Brits, according to the latest Life Opportunities Survey from the Office for National Statistics.