Last updated: 19.01.11

Call for more online opportunities in Utah

More online education opportunities should be available for students of Utah high schools, a state lawmaker has claimed.

Senator Howard Stephenson also suggested companies that develop e-learning technology should be funded by state finances, according to the Salt Lake Tribune.

He is working with Parents for Choice in Education on an arrangement which could potentially give youngsters access to learning via the world wide web.

Mr Stephenson is concerned that some children are currently "falling through the cracks" but believes a new arrangement could potentially see their education thrive.

"Online has the capacity to individualise instruction in ways that a traditional classroom does not," he said.

Mr Stephenson commented that the population of Utah ought to back the move for the schooling changes because they are in the students' best interest.

Earlier this month, ABC Newspapers reported that Spring Lake Park District 16 was planning to increase the number of e-learning courses available to let kids work at their own pace.