Last updated: 30.11.12

Indian business consultant trials e-learning programme

An Indian business consultant has trialled a new online training programme that is seeking to teach cultural sensitivity and company skills.

Subodh Gupta - who has organised more than 500 instructional workshops for big firms such as Sapient and International Data Corporation - is hoping the e-learning platform will bridge the communication gap between India and the West, reports.

The half-day course is delivered by the professional himself via Skype and has been designed to help people understand what motivates Indian people in business, how they negotiate and it also offers information on Indian psychology.

By providing individuals with this education, Mr Gupta is aiming to make professional deals sharper and more effective, while the online training is also looking to raise awareness of the impact Indian culture has on the country's values, faith and behaviour.

The expert was quoted as stating: "It helps employees in western countries get a better understanding of Indian culture, including social and business practices, so they can work with their Indian colleagues more effectively."

Mr Gupta - who was born and raised in India - has worked for 12 years as an entrepreneur, engineer and guest professor to a number of Master of Business Administration schools, while he has also been employed as a training consultant for the Times of India Group.

He has worked in the UK for six years as a freelance trainer and consultant and is the author of the book Understanding Indian Culture and Bridging the Communication Gap.

This was published to educate organisations on the difference between UK and Indian management styles and is geared towards western employers who are considering embarking on a business partnership with an Indian firm.

According to a recent report from market research organisation Ambient Insight, Asia has the highest growth rate in the world for e-learning and revenues in the industry are forecast to exceed $11.5 billion (£7.2 billion) by 2016.