Last updated: 23.05.18

Virtual College helps learners leap barriers to leadership and management training

Virtual College is bringing its wealth of experience to bear on the problems learners often face in accessing quality leadership and management training.

Research highlights that 65% of leaders lack the time for learning, and when they do seek help, it’s often at an immediate point of need.

Frustratingly, 44% of those who seek help can’t find what they need.

Learners often have compliance training thrust upon them to meet their organisation’s requirements but when they seek leadership and management training for their development they are frustrated by the triple barriers of time, cost and inconvenience.

Hannah Brindle, Managing Director of Virtual College, said: ‘We are dedicated to providing easy access to digital learning resources which really help learners to improve their knowledge and skills’.

Virtual College has partnered with leadership and management training experts, Interserve Learning & Employment and Eliesha, to map a huge range of online learning resources to learner pathways and professional leadership and management qualification requirements.

Interserve Learning & Employment is one of the largest providers of skills and employability services in the UK and works with government, employers, Local Enterprise Partnerships, employers and Job Centre Plus to deliver improved workforce skills.

Eliesha, an international learning and development company specialising in management and leadership solutions, is the training provider of choice for over 150 public and private sector organisations.

The partnership has generated digital leadership and management learning to support leaders and managers to get access to the training they need, when they need it.

This comprehensive library of courses covers a wide range of subjects, in all aspects of leadership and management, to support the development of skills to prepare someone for their next steps on the career ladder.

Over 200 pieces of bite sized learning have been brought together into three easy to use, focused bundles:

  • Leadership and Management Core skills
  • Career Progression
  • Leadership and Management Essentials

These can meet a wide range of needs to help development to the next level of leadership and management or to meet particular skills gaps or to provide the tools and techniques required for the learner to do their current job more effectively.

Prices range from £15 for a single course to £450 for a bundle of courses focused on Career Progression.

Virtual College offers the option to develop bespoke leadership and management training packages.

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About Virtual College

Virtual College has developed into one of the UK's leading providers of total solutions within the e-learning arena with a clear mission to offer inspiring learning for all.

Founded in 1995, today Virtual College has over 3 million registered online learners and this is growing at a rate of over 1,500 a day, across both public and private sectors.

A recent winner of a wealth of independently- judged global industry awards, including gold and silver awards at the Learning Technologies Awards 2017, Virtual College is consistently ranked amongst the UK’s top e-learning providers.

Virtual College has been identified as one of London Stock Exchange’s 1000 Companies to Inspire Britain in a report which celebrates the UK’s fastest-growing and most dynamic small and medium-sized businesses.

The company has developed a comprehensive product range, including over 300 online courses, accessed via the company's own Learning Management System, Enable, as well as offering a complete bespoke training design and development service.

Virtual College has partnered with leadership and management training experts, Interserve Learning & Employment.

Further information is available at: