Last updated: 22.07.19

Long Eaton Dawn Breakers prove that it’s the early bird that catches the worm!

Long Eaton Dawn Breakers prove that it’s the early bird that catches the worm!


Rotary 1220 District Governor, Cheryle Berry, set a challenge for her fellow Rotarians – the Club with the most people completing the “Prepared to Save a Life” course and gaining a certificate of completion, would win a prize for their club.

Rod Knox, Chief Executive and Co-Founder of Virtual College, who developed the online course, pledged to donate a community defibrillator to the club with the highest number of people completing by a certain date.

Many clubs took up the challenge – with individuals self-registering online for the hour-long course – which they completed in their own time, at home, in the office or even remotely via their phones and tablets. However, it was Long Eaton Dawn Breakers who won the challenge with 16 people completing within the timescale.

Well done and thank you to Long Eaton Dawn Breakers, but don’t let it stop there, the course is free to anyone, anywhere, be it individuals, club members, organisations or companies. It is the aim of the Community Save a Life Scheme to get a life saver on every street corner – and through Virtual Colleges free online ‘Prepared to Save a Life’ course that vision has come a step nearer.   

Dr Cheryle Berry MBE, District Governor 2018-2019, Rotary District 1220 had a special message to her rotarians on their win "I am delighted that Long Eaton Dawnbreakers Rotary Club have led the way with their Members learning How to Save a Life. Well done!! Many Thanks to other Rotary Clubs in our District who have  also done the Online Course and are promoting it in their local Communities."

To find out more about the course and to sign up click here.