Online Courses FAQs

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Food Allergen Reactions

People react different to food allergens, our FAQs take a look at what reactions can be triggered.

  • How do food allergies develop?

    The exact reasons why food allergies develop aren’t always clear, with research indicating both genetic and environmental causes. For example, if a family member has a food allergy, that makes it more likely that you will develop one too, while the bacteria in your stomach can also cause it.

  • How do they test for food allergies?

    First, you’ll need to talk to a doctor about your symptoms and if a food allergy is suspected, you’ll be tested at a clinic. If the symptoms developed quickly you’ll be given a skin prick or blood test, while symptoms that developed more slowly are tested through a food elimination diet.

  • How do you get tested for food allergies?

    If you suspect you have a food allergy, contact your GP who will be able to arrange further tests, such as a skin prick test, to confirm the allergy.

  • What happens to your body when you have a food allergy?

    Any of these things can happen to your body when you have a reaction to a food allergy: hives, itching or eczema; tingling or itching in the mouth; swelling of the lips, face, tongue and throat; wheezing, nasal congestion or breathing trouble; dizziness or lightheadedness and; abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting.