Last updated: 19.11.10

e-learning 'benefits many industries'

As e-learning becomes more widespread, the public are set to benefit, according to one executive.

Jeremy Boyer, a columnist for Auburn Pub, expressed his feelings about the advent of online training courses, noting that access to the internet has opened up a whole world of transparency.

He added that this in particular has been useful for the newspaper industry, as well as companies hoping to allow their workers to engage in distance learning courses in unison.

"With high-speed internet, the world of professional training has changed dramatically. Now, for a tiny fee, we can get some expert-level continuing education," Mr Boyer said.

The expert went on to note that the evolution of e-learning has left him stunned in many ways.

His comments come after Jean Gross, director of the Every Child a Chance Trust, opined that access to the internet is essential for any student hoping to succeed in their education.