Last updated: 15.11.10

Distance learning classes 'are effective'

While traditional schooling may still be the best choice for youngsters, others may benefit from distance learning courses, according to one publication.

A piece in the Daily Evergreen penned by Sylvia Lewis points out that it takes a certain type of student to thrive in online training courses but those who can may find it advantageous.

Highlighting the fact that technology is becoming ever more prevalent, the correspondent noted that communication over the internet is now standard for any learning atmosphere.

However, Ms Lewis asserted that the more contact between those involved in the e-learning, the better for both pupils and teachers.

"Distance courses that include actual interaction, even if it is through cameras and TVs, are more effective than purely online classes," she claimed.

Elsewhere, the chief executive of Yorkshire-based education charity The Open College of the Arts recently told the Yorkshire Post that he expects such classes to become more popular.