Last updated: 26.05.11

E-learning embraced at private school

E-learning materials are being put to use at one private school in Crowthorne, Berkshire, which has purchased a number of e-book readers that will replace traditional texts.

Wellington College is also eschewing a central library, which is being converted into a study area where pupils can work alone or in groups, Get Wokingham reports.

The new centre is due to be complete n January 2012 and around 10,000 books that are currently housed in the library are to be redistributed to smaller, department-specific libraries elsewhere in the school.

Deputy headteacher Jane Lunnon told the news source the college has been looking into using e-learning items "for the past two to three years".

"The pupils will be given handheld devices … which they can use to download the books they want to read and the information they need," she stated.

E-learning could be used to reverse performances at schools that are below par, however editor at the Good Schools Guide Janette Wallis said there is no fixed model that can fix such institutions.