Last updated: 22.11.11

E-learning industry is "on a roll" in business and education

The growing market of e-learning is "on a roll" with fast developments and high user uptake making it a go-to option for many businesses, according to one expert.From 2002, the global online learning market has doubled its revenue from $23 million (£14.7 million) to over $50 billion by 2010 and this is set to increase further as virtual options for learning and training become more cost-effective and accessible.Varsha Agarwal, science graduate from the Bangalore University and competent professional covering activities in sales, mentoring, product development and training, has commented on Cool Avenues online that today e-learning has integrated into a wide market of users and been made available to every sphere where knowledge transfer is existent."Experts claim that e-learning medium is 'on a roll' due to the numerous benefits such as speed of delivery, increasing accessibility of learning, generating user specific content, reducing cost of learning and increasing flexibility. As internet access grows across the globe, new users of e-learning join the bandwagon with hefty investments into the e-tools of knowledge," she said.Ms Agarwal added that the wide availability of virtual resources - web-based learning, computer-based training, virtual education opportunities and digital collaboration - have enabled both businesses and schools to embrace a new, tactile way of academia.In an analysis of the online market for this industry, it was predicted that the global market for e-learning will grow by nearly 27 per cent in the next few years.She commented: "E-Learning benefits can be leveraged to satisfy needs of cost, relevance, flexibility and accountability, for both companies and customers."A survey by Ambient Insight Research showed that the worldwide market for e-learning products is expected to rise to $49.9 billion by 2015.Writing for Gadget magazine, Andre Joubert of MWEB Business said that e-learning can offer advantages over conventional classroom-based learning and that it boasts positive factors such as being quick, efficient and boasts exercises that can be completed while on the go.