Last updated: 25.01.11

Engage for Education nominated for e-learning awards

The secretary for education, Michael Russell, has commented on how pleased he is with the credit a Scottish online learning website has received.

Engage for Education was launched by Mr Russell and has been shortlisted for two gongs at the e-Government National Awards in London.

It achieved 100,000 hits this week and he claimed the fact that it had been recognised in a competition spoke "volumes about its success."

He also praised Glow, the world's first national intranet for distance learning, which was put through its paces when the country was hit by extreme winter weather over the Christmas period.

"In the same period, almost 10,000 additional pupil accounts were created, clearly demonstrating its potential for remote working," Mr Russell said.

Engage for Education is a finalist in the Innovation in strategy on a national level and Team categories for e-Government excellence.

The awards ceremony will take place at the London Guildhall on January 26th 2011.