Last updated: 12.04.12

Fijian educators go on e-learning course

A new project to encourage the creation of e-learning courses has been launched by the Public Service Commission in Fiji.

The Jet Newspaper reports deputy secretary of the organisation Iva Tavai officially opened the workshop at Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) training centre in Nasese.

It is entitled Developing e-learning content in technical vocational education and training (TVET) and Ms Tavai said it is important and timely for the nation.

She was quoted by the publication as stating it should provide trainers, teachers and education officers at a range of technical institutions and state ministries with a venue in which they can enhance their online learning capabilities.

The politician explained the Fijian Ministry of Education intends to roll out e-learning in 12 schools, with four of these programmes launched this month.

This TVET workshop lasts for five days and will feature 30 participants from state institutions and tertiary organisations, as well as Michael Montero, an e-learning consultant at the CPSC.

Ms Tavai claimed the relationship between Fiji's government and CPSC has existed since 1996, when the first in-country workshop was organised.

The country is one of 17 nations that are members of the CPSC and these locations have benefited tremendously through capacity building.

She urged people to take advantage of the knowledge and skills imparted on them during the workshop, which will enable them to boost the e-learning services they provide to their customers.

Education in Fiji intends to empower learners and help them to meet their potential through a responsive, inclusive and holistic study method.

It should also ensure the populace can appreciate their cultural inheritance and take pride in their national identity, helping the development of the country.

Learning is based upon a series of "intrinsic and enduring values", the Ministry of Education claims, highlighting safety, security, human rights and civic pride as some of these.