Last updated: 22.03.11

Food safety standards of Welsh food premises reported by watchdog

A significant number of kitchens in Welsh hospitals, schools and nursing homes scored poorly in food hygiene ratings, according to a watchdog.

Consumer Focus Wales reported that 60 food premises serving vulnerable people are not meeting food safety standards and it called on the government to make it illegal not to display their scores.

"It is not acceptable that there are publicly-funded institutions, such as hospitals and schools, serving food to vulnerable people despite failing to meet statutory requirements for food hygiene," said the watchdog's senior director Maria Battle.

While she acknowledged that the food hygiene scores of many eateries are published online, Ms Battle claimed people do not always consult the internet to determine that standards are respected at particular food-serving premises and said the scores should be displayed in public.

Earlier this month, a sushi restaurant in south London was shut down after evidence of rodent infestation was found at an inspection.