Last updated: 30.05.14

GovToday’s Continuous Improvement Event 2014

In April Virtual College’s Healthcare Service Delivery Manager, Craig Marshall and Account Manager, Matthew Dickinson, attended Govtoday’s Continuous Improvement Event held in London. Virtual College’s Lean Healthcare Academy supported the event which focused on ‘Engaging in the Culture’ and explored the theories and practicalities involved in implementing a continuous improvement programme in the public sector. The day featured presentations from a range of professionals who specialise in continuous improvement. Presentations of interest were delivered by Sarah Scales from The Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust and Robin Smith from University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. Sarah spoke about the hospitals Achieving Excellence Every Day initiative and Robin discussed how business intelligence can support continuous improvement. Other presentations of note were Sarah Lethbridge from Cardiff Business School who discussed the history of continuous improvement and Andy Appleyard who spoke about his experiences at Toyota and current improvement work with the British Library. The Lean Healthcare Academy run similar events, the next is to be hosted in partnership with Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust click here to find out more.