Last updated: 17.06.11

IT Governance launches e-learning course

Individuals contemplating taking an online learning course in a bid to improve their career prospects could be interested in the latest developments from IT Governance (ITG).

The organisation has announced intentions to launch an e-learning tool to ensure members of staff have appropriate knowledge of the Data Protection Act.

In a bid to prevent employees making expensive mistakes, the course aims to inform staff of UK employers about the policy's enforcement by the Information Commissioner's Office.

Plans for the educational tool emerge after Surrey County Council was fined £120,000 when staff members distributed confidential emails to the wrong recipients on three occasions.

Alan Calder, chief executive of ITG, said: "Any company … failing to take responsible measures to comply will be in the firing line.

"There could even be prison sentences for deliberate, or negligent, customer data leaks by individuals within an organisation."

ITG aims to inform businesses about changes to IT legislation by providing education to management teams in order to support their strategic goals.