Last updated: 05.03.19

International Women's Day Profile: Hannah Brindle

In honour of International Women’s Day, we’ve asked some of our inspirational #VCWomen to share a few facts about themselves and tell us about the women they find inspirational in their lives.

The theme this year for International Women's Day is #BalanceforBetter a call to action for accelerating gender balance in business, politics, media coverage and wealth. 

The technology industry is one in which unfortunately a gender unbalance does exist however addressing this through movements like International Women's Day and the #BalanceforBetter campaign can help tackle the issue and create a world in which there is a gender balance. 

Virtual College believe it is not just the numbers that make the difference but ensuring the right talent is recruited and that there is a gender balance throughout all levels of the organisation. We have women at board level, manager level and within our tech team and we're proud to announce we have a fully gender balanced workforce! 

Our first feature is on our Managing Director, Hannah Brindle. 

What is your name?

Hannah Brindle

What is your role at Virtual College?

Managing Director

What do you enjoy the most about working at Virtual College?

The people! The learners and customers we work with and the colleagues I’m so fortunate to work alongside. Anyone that knows Virtual College – always comments on the great people we have working here – in particular their warmth, openness, flexibility and pro-activity.

Outside of Virtual College, what are your interests/passions? 

• Stanley, our dog, and everything that dog ownership brings!
• House design, renovation and building – cement dust was my first introduction to the concept of dry shampoo!
• Nature – walking, wildlife, gardening and generally being outside
• Thrillers, crime dramas and a good box set – just finished watching the latest series of The Handmaids Tale
• Park run   
• Food - check out Gusto / HelloFresh – its revolutionised our mid-week eating! 

What piece of technology could you not live without?

• Hardware……...iPad
• Software………..Netflix / Deezer

Which women both within your industry and your personal life have been an inspiration to you?

My mum – she brought me and my 2 sisters up on her own, worked full time and personally sacrificed a lot to give us choices and options. She was insistent that we all worked hard at school and went to University (which we all did) and gave us the personal tools to lead independent grown up lives.

My first female boss – Helen West. To this day Helen is still one of the most strategic, quick thinking, hard-working and committed people I know. She has an extraordinary ability to get to the real heart of an issue or situation and is unrelenting in her passion and commitment to deliver exceptional results and outcomes. Helen mentored me as a young 25 year old and supported by career progression to CEO of Customer First – without her guidance and support I’m not sure what I’d be doing now?! 

Give us your best piece of advice? 

I’ve got 2………………

• Stand in other peoples shoes! Anyone that knows me well - will have heard me use this phrase – it’s really helped me to better understand other perspectives and views and not be so judgemental or dogmatic when I need to solve a problem or make an important decision.

If you stop learning you stop changing and you stop growing. 

Read the full series of #VCWomen blogs here