Last updated: 05.03.19

International Women's Day Profile: Helen Alexander

In honour of International Women’s Day, we’ve asked some of our inspirational #VCWomen to share a few facts about themselves and tell us about the women they find inspirational in their lives.

The theme this year for International Women's Day is #BalanceforBetter a call to action for accelerating gender balance in business, politics, media coverage and wealth. 

The technology industry is one in which unfortunately a gender imbalance does exist however addressing this through movements like International Women's Day and the #BalanceforBetter campaign can help tackle the issue and create a world in which there is a gender balance. 

Virtual College believe it is not just the numbers that make the difference but ensuring the right talent is recruited and that there is a gender balance throughout all levels of the organisation. We have women at board level, manager level and within our tech team and we're proud to announce we have a fully gender balanced workforce! 

We caught up with Helen Alexander who joined Virtual College recently as our new CRM & MIS Product Owner. 

What is your name?

Helen Alexander

What is your role at Virtual College?

Product Owner - CRM & MIS

What do you enjoy the most about working at Virtual College?

There's a real atmosphere of collaboration and innovation here, with a sense of some really transformational projects in the near future which I am really excited about. The people are also really passionate and switched on, which makes coming to work interesting and fun. 

Outside of Virtual College, what are your interests/passions? 

I have a big family, so outside of work my kids are my main passion and take up most of my time, but I also play the French Horn and love to read and potter in my garden.  

What piece of technology could you not live without?

Whichever technology supplies my music - ten years or so ago I'd have said my stereo or CD player, but now I love streaming apps and DAB Radio. I'd be lost without music in my life. 

Which women both within your industry and your personal life have been an inspiration to you?

I've been really lucky to have some incredible strong women influence my life. My circle of friends is made up of lots of inspirational women who've all supported and kept each other sane and balanced as we've juggled families and careers. I'm a big believer in sisterhood and the fact that it takes a village to raise children - more so if you're a working mum too. My many aunts are all amazing and my daughters inspire me to be the best I can be.

In terms of celebrity icons though, I love the story of Delia Derbyshire, who pioneered electronic music at the BBC in the '60s. She's an unsung hero! 

Give us your best piece/s of advice? 

Be kind to yourself

Life is not a competition

Don't waste energy on things you cannot change. 

Read the full series of #VCWomen blogs here