Last updated: 05.03.19

International Women's Day Profile: Jenny Martin

In honour of International Women’s Day, we’ve asked some of our #VCWomen to share a few facts about themselves and tell us about the women they find inspirational in their lives.

The theme this year for International Women's Day is #BalanceforBetter a call to action for accelerating gender balance in business, politics, media coverage and wealth. At Virtual College we are proud of the fact that we have a balanced workforce - one in which women are at all levels throughout the business.

Meet Jenny Martin, who works in our technical team, she is one of many who work in what is typically a ‘male dominated’ industry - breaking boundaries and stereotypes to better career progression and supporting our balanced workforce.

What is your name?

Jenny Martin

What is your role at Virtual College?

Scrum Master

What do you enjoy the most about working at Virtual College?

Virtual College has always been a great place to work for me, it's filled with amazing people. I love the support of my colleagues at Virtual College and appreciate the opportunities that have been given to me over the last 5 years here.

Outside of Virtual College, what are your interests/passions? 

I love listening to music and singing, it's a daily must for me! I enjoy spending time with family and friends as much as I can. I also love watching different series on Netflix and messaging the girls in our Whatsapp group to talk about it.

What piece of technology could you not live without?

As bad as it sounds, it's got to be my phone. I browse the internet, play games, browse social media (obviously tagging people in funny memes mostly) and communicate with everyone I know - my iPhone screen time report is shocking.

Which women both within your industry and your personal life have been an inspiration to you?

I'm really inspired by my best friend Sarah because she has always been a strong woman who knows exactly what she wants in her career. She's very driven, ambitious and confident in any role she has been in.

Anyone who knows me knows I love Beyoncé. I do enjoy her music but I think she's such an inspiration to many people. She's innovative, charitable, makes people feel empowered and tries to give clarity to the true meaning of being a feminist.

I also need to give my colleague Chloe a mention because I didn't think it was possible to find anyone more organised than me!

Give us your best piece of advice? 

If you have a question, always ask it. Be confident and always stay motivated to learn.

Read the full series of #VCWomen blogs here