Last updated: 09.01.16

Ofsted: Nursery guidance requires 'deputy' safeguarding lead

Childcare settings across the UK must have a designated lead practitioner for safeguarding on the premises, according to Ofsted.

New guidance from the education body has stated that whenever a nursery is open, with an alternative member of staff present, they will be able to take on any responsibility if the safeguarding lead is not present.

As it stands, nurseries in the UK are required to have only one safeguarding lead, but this doesn?t mean they necessarily have to be on the premises during open hours.

Purnima Tanuku, chief executive of National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA), commented: “Having the deputy, or another senior member of staff who works opposite the manger, trained to be a deputy designated person for child protection, ensures appropriate cover at all times of the day.

Yet despite this ideology, requiring two members of staff for safeguarding duties may prove problematic for some nurseries.

She said: ?It could have implications for smaller settings which currently only have one designated lead and will need at least two from now on to ensure cover is available at all times.?

In its revision, Ofsted added a number of other measures to its guidance, including the recognition of peer-on-peer abuse to safeguarding duties and the welfare of those with special needs (SEN).

According to Ofsted?s guidance, all staff and education leaders must receive regular updates on safeguarding at least once a year, and suitable training every two years.

Ms Tanuku, concluded: “Safeguarding is everyone’s business, so understanding current policy and ways in which children and young people can be abused is essential. Staff and leaders need to be kept updated on current issues so they can effectively manage potential safeguarding situations and respond quickly to signs of potential abuse.”
