We've updated our Sexual Harassment Courses to include changes to The Worker Protection Act
Last updated: 24.05.14

Pitfalls for workplace training schemes

Training and career development are key considerations for any company that wants to maximise the performance of its staff, with employees generally citing this as one area that is of great importance to them. How best to deliver this training will depend on the company in question and the needs of its staff , but there are numerous tools available to trainers these days.

It's good that there are, as there are also many pitfalls to consider, especially when looking at conventional face-to-face training approaches. Fortunately, many of these can be solved by incorporating aspects of online learning into your training regimes.

Training can become a time and money sink

Anyone who's been in charge of training can tell you that it can quickly feel like a chore if not implemented properly, accounting for a significant chunk of crucial department spend and also tying up staff for large amounts of time from performing their primary responsibilities. This is especially true if your approach to training is for everyone to down tools at the same time and effectively put work on hold for an hour.

While such an approach will be effective in some instances, it may be better to think about a more flexible approach. Online training is so cost effective because it reduces the amount of time spent away from the office. Not only does it remove the need for travel and printed resources, but it is also more scalable than physical training.

Learning is confined to very rigid times and places

Aside from learning on the job, training can often run the risk of feeling very rigid, with sessions difficult to arrange so that all trainees are free and in the same place at the same time. And what happens if someone calls in sick? It can become a major burden running a session again for the handful who may have missed it.

Virtual training resources that are accessed online circumnavigate this problem, because they are effectively available to staff 24 hours a day. This not only encourages employees to learn in their own time, but can also boost worktime productivity by allowing training to more successfully be fit around other tasks. In this way, the disruption of training to the busy working schedule can be minimised.

Staff may be embarrassed to ask

In a room full of their peers, some people may be embarrassed to put their hand up if they don't understand something, especially if others seem to grasp it quickly. E-learning is much more discrete and allows the individual to work through a module at their own pace. The interactive nature of this training also ensures that they are exhibiting their understanding and provides a convenient form of feedback to trainers on the efficacy of the programme.