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Last updated: 16.03.15

Schools should promote vocational training

Schools should boost their careers advice by informing young people about the benefits of vocational training, according to a youth organisation.

In its latest manifesto, Central YMCA stated that better guidance surrounding non-university employment routes should be provided by school careers services in a bid to tackle youth unemployment.

The organisation believes that promoting vocational training and apprenticeships will prove effective, recommending schools to follow the guidelines proposed by the government in its new careers company reviews.

What's more, Central YMCA is calling for schools and local businesses to collaborate in a move towards preparing more young people for training and work. This would involve improving services, offering more apprenticeships and enhancing the quality of existing apprenticeship schemes.

The manifesto also outlines a need for JobCentre Plus to create more partnerships with local businesses and training providers.

Rosi Prescott, chief executive of Central YMCA, said: "Efforts need to be made immediately to ensure rates of youth unemployment are reduced and that the opportunities created by economic recovery are also enjoyed by those who have been worst affected by the recession.

"Working to reduce current levels of youth unemployment by ten per cent would generate billions of pounds in savings to the public purse, as well as injecting billions more into regional economies.

"Data produced for the Audit Commission and further studies by the Prince's Trust, indicate that this ten per cent reduction would benefit the economy by £15bn over the lifetimes of these young people, as well as reducing youth crime and increasing economic productivity."

Virtual College are currently producing a range of Career VOOCs (Vocational Open Online Courses) designed to allow young people to explore their career options and address skills gaps. To find out more, please visit: