Last updated: 03.02.15

UK workforces receive 'lack of training'

Research has revealed that 25 per cent of UK employees believe they don't receive the necessary training and support from their employers.

The survey, conducted by Ipsos Mori on behalf of Interserve, asked 2,061 adults aged 16 and above about their attitudes towards training and development from their current employer and by large corporations that employ in excess of 1,000 people.

It was found that just 48 per cent of respondents claimed to receive adequate support and training from their employer, despite everyone surveyed citing career development opportunities as the second most important factor (after salary) when considering a future employer.

One in six employees were certain that large companies provide sufficient opportunities for apprenticeships, which will help to boost future workforces.

However, one-third of respondents said that big businesses are worse at enhancing employee skills today than they were ten years ago.

Ksenia Zheltoukhova, research adviser at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, warned that the value of training shouldn't be overlooked, as it can help employers develop the staff skills they require.

"Focus 'on the now' seems to get in the way of future-proofing employee skills - almost four in ten employees say they can rarely find time for training and development," Ms Zheltoukhova added.

Moving forward, she urges employers to implement a better system for training that mirrors the needs of their organisation.

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