Last updated: 04.08.23

Charlie Webster to Present BBC Radio 4 Appeal for Child Exploitation Charity

The Yorkshire born broadcasting journalist best known for presenting the Olympics and the Premier League is presenting the BBC Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of the charity Pace (Parents Against Child Exploitation). Pace supports parents across the UK whose children have been groomed and sexually or criminally exploited by abusers outside of the family.

Charlie begins the appeal by sharing her experience of being groomed and sexually abused over a number of years by her running coach when she just fifteen years old. A passionate campaigner for survivors of child abuse, Charlie believes every family affected should be given the support they need:

“I have been campaigning for a long time now to make sure victims of sexual abuse get the specialist support they need. It’s something I never had until a lot later in my life and I know how devastating the aftermath of trauma that abuse leaves behind can be. That’s why I am supporting the charity Pace.”

Finding out their child has been exploited is devastating for parents. They have to help their child to cope with the trauma of abuse they have suffered which can be far reaching and keep them safe from the manipulative abuser who is coercing them.

Pace provides parents with a specialist parent support worker, who helps parents to keep their child safe, provides much needed emotional support and empowers them to work with the police and prepare for investigation and court.

One parent said “I just don’t think my family would be together if we hadn’t been supported by Pace.”

Tune in to the appeal on BBC Radio 4 on Sunday 13 August at 07.54am and Thursday 17th August at 15.27pm, to learn more about the difference you can make to families living with child exploitation. Find out more about the appeal.

If you would like to learn more about protecting children from child exploitation, have a look at our free courses made in partnership with Pace:
