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PAT Testing FAQs

There are many common myths about portable appliance testing (PAT). Find out the key facts about the inspection and testing of portable electrical equipment below.

  • Can anyone do a PAT test?

    Yes, anyone can carry out a PAT test if they are a competent individual. This means that the individual in question has a basic understanding of potential electrical hazards and has adequate knowledge of the PAT testing process including visual inspections. You do not have to be a qualified electrician to do a PAT test.

  • Do new electrical items need to be PAT tested?

    If an electrical item is new, it should present no danger and therefore does not require a PAT test. However, it is still wise to assess the electrical item visually to ensure it is not damaged in any way. This way you can be sure it is safe to use.

    Read our PAT Testing requirements guide to find out more.

  • Do second hand electrical items have to be PAT tested?

    Yes, a PAT test should always be performed on a second hand electrical item to ensure it is safe to use in a working environment. A PAT test is the minimum safety check for an item of this kind.

    Read our PAT Testing requirements guide to find out more.

  • Do washing machines need PAT testing?

    Yes, washing machines are an electrical item that plugs into a power source so it is essential that it is fully PAT tested. An appliance of this kind comes with a Class 1 symbol and as a result, it will need a full PAT test.

    Read our PAT Testing requirements guide to find out more.

  • Do you need qualifications to PAT test?

    A qualification in PAT testing is not a legal requirement. However, if you want to carry out a PAT test, it is advisable that you complete a PAT testing course. This will ensure that you are familiar with the PAT testing process and know how to use the PAT testing equipment.

    Want to become a PAT tester? Read our guide to find out how.

  • Do you need to PAT test double insulated items?

    No, a PAT test is not required on items that are double insulated as these items are allocated a Class 2 symbol because they don’t require an earth connection, but it is advised to carry out a visual check to ensure the item is fit for purpose.

  • Does 110v equipment need PAT Testing?

    Yes, all 110v equipment should undergo PAT testing. While these items do have a lower voltage, they are often used on a more frequent basis than 230v items and therefore it is just as important to PAT test them.

  • Does a phone charger need to be PAT tested?

    Yes, a mobile phone charger needs to be plugged into a socket and as a result, it comes with with a Class 1 symbol on it. This means that it requires a complete PAT test as it needs an earth connection.

  • How can I pass a PAT Testing exam?

    In order to become a certified PAT tester, you can take a PAT testing exam which you can pass by completing multiple choice questions. A PAT testing course will provide you with basic electrical knowledge in the form of a course syllabus which will prepare you for the exam.

  • How long is a PAT test certificate valid for?

    While there is no official expiry date on a PAT test certificate, it is recommended that you should re-test Class 1 electrical equipment every 48 months and Class 2 electrical appliances every 24 months.

  • How long is a PAT testing course?

    A standard PAT testing course usually takes place over the course of one day.

    Our CPD approved online PAT Testing course takes roughly one hour to complete.

  • How many items can you PAT test in a day?

    The amount of items that can be PAT tested in one day depends on the location. As a general guide, an experienced PAT tester can PAT test up to 300 items in an office setting and up to 150 in an industrial setting.

  • How much can a PAT tester earn?

    The amount a PAT tester can earn will vary but the average annual salary sits around £28k.

  • How do you qualify for PAT testing?

    One way to become a qualified PAT tester is to complete a PAT testing course after which you will receive a PAT testing certificate.

  • How much should I charge for PAT testing?

    Most PAT testers charge £1 or £2 per appliance.

  • What is the difference between Class 1 and Class 2?

    Electrical appliances are assigned a class and this is how you can assess its need to be PAT tested. If an item is a Class 1 then it is essential that it receives a complete PAT test as an item of this kind can cause the most damage as it has only basic insulation. If it is a Class 2 item, it only requires a PAT insulation test as it doesn’t rely on an earth connection for protection. Each class has its own symbol and can be easily identified.

  • How often is PAT testing required for landlords?

    There is no legal requirement as a landlord to carry out PAT testing, but it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of your tenants by providing safe living conditions and PAT testing is a great way to manage electrical related risks. A PAT test is a legal requirement if you have a House in Multiple occupation (HMO) and you should carry out an inspection every five years.

    Read our landlord's guide to PAT testing to find out more.

  • Is PAT testing a legal requirement?

    There is currently no legal requirement to PAT test but employers are legally required to create a safe working environment and PAT testing is a great risk management strategy.

  • Is PAT testing necessary?

    PAT testing is an important part of property safety and maintenance and should be an integral part of your workplace health and safety policy.

  • What is a PAT test certificate?

    Once an electrical appliance has been tested, you will receive a PAT test certificate to prove that your organisation has taken the necessary steps to provide a safe working environment for employees.

  • What does PAT Testing mean?

    PAT testing is when an electrical item is assessed using PAT testing equipment to ensure it is safe to use with the sole aim to create a safe workplace. Once assessed, the item will be given a pass or a fail.

  • What is a PAT testing course?

    A PAT testing course is designed to teach you the key principals when it comes to electrical testing. It covers how to carry out visual tests and provides you with the knowledge of not just the practical but the theoretical and legal aspects of PAT testing.

  • What is PAT training?

    PAT training is available in the form of a course which is designed to teach the basics of PAT testing for those who wish to understand the theoretical and practical aspects of PAT testing.