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Safeguarding Children Legislation in Scotland

It is crucial to comply with legislation and guidance in safeguarding, take a look at the latest safeguarding children legislation in Scotland below.

  • The Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection (CELCIS)

    The Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection seeks to improve children’s lives by supporting organisations and people involved with children to make long-lasting improvements. It provides a wealth of information and guidance around child protection.

  • Child Poverty Act 2017

    The Child Poverty Act 2017 sets out targets to reduce the number of children living in relative, absolute, and persistent poverty by 2030.

  • Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Education Scotland June 2023

    Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Education Scotland provides the framework for Education Scotland staff, both individually and collectively, to enable them to understand their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding, child protection and promoting the welfare of children and protected adults.

  • Child Protection Committees

    Child Protection Committees are locally-based, inter-agency strategic partnerships which lead on the development of local child protection policy and practice. To find the Child Protection Committees in your local area, click here.

  • The Children (Scotland) Act 1995

    The Children (Scotland) Act remains one of the primary pieces of legislation, setting out the range and scope of local authority support for the care and protection of children. The Act incorporated the three key principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scottish law: protection from discrimination, ensuring that child welfare is a primary concern and listening to children's views.

  • Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014

    The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act embeds the rights of children and young people by outlining the roles and responsibilities of statutory, non-statutory and voluntary services in child protection.

  • Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)

    Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) provides a framework and shared language for promoting, supporting, and safeguarding the wellbeing of children and young people. It aims to improve outcomes for children and young people in Scotland, recognising that all children must receive the right help at the right time. GIRFEC recognises that the best protection for children is through support early on, before specialist services are required.

  • National Child Protection Guidance in Scotland 2021 (updated 2023)

    The National Child Protection Guidance in Scotland 2021 (updated 2023) informs the development of local multi-agency child protection procedures, processes and training to support the care and protection of children across Scotland. The guidance identifies the responsibilities and expectations of everyone who meets children and young people, families and carers.

  • Parent Club (Scotland)

    Parent Club is a directory of all the helpful organisations, benefits and information that support parents and carers in Scotland of children and young people.

  • Scottish Government children and families updates

    The Scottish Government provide information on all publications and consultations. To keep track of guidance and updates concerning children and families, click here.